5 steps to reduce your stress levels

5 steps to reduce your stress levels

“He who every morning plans the transactions of that day and follows that plan carries a thread that will guide him through the labyrinth of the most busy life.”
― Victor Hugo

Stress is often brought upon by the perception of having too much to do and not enough time. With our simple steps you will save hours during the day, be more efficient, get more things done and reduce your stress.

Block out 1 hr every morning to plan & prepare for your day by doing these 5 steps:

1) SWITCH OFF your phone for the 1st 30 mins every day and don’t check your emails

2) CLEAR your jumbled mind by putting all your ‘to dos’ down on paper or into your phone notes

3) PRIORITISE your to do list with criteria you have set for yourself. Examples of criteria to prioritise by are

a. If I don’t do this will it lose me money? If the answer is yes, then it needs to be near the top of your list

b. If I do this will it make me money? If the answer is yes, then it needs to be near the top of your list

c. Can this be done tomorrow with no impact on me or my team? If the answer is yes, put it at the bottom of today’s list or the top of tomorrow’s

d. How long will it take? Find your quick wins and put them at the top of your list

4) SPEND the second 30 mins crossing off your quick wins. You will already have made progress that today before you even really begin!

5) START your day with a clear head, a plan and motivation!


Print this list off or take a photo of it, follow it every day and improve your efficiency

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