5 Ways to communicate more effectively

5 Ways to communicate more effectively

Communication is a skill that you can learn. It’s like riding a bicycle. If you’re willing to work at it, you can rapidly improve the quality of every part of your life”. Brian Tracy “Communication – the human connection – is the key to personal and career success.” Paul J.

Meyer We all know how important the correct method of communication is and the costs of getting it wrong.

  • 1) Confirm ALL agreements in writing i.e. email/IM. This ensures both or all parties are clear on their part in the process and accountable for their responsibilities. This will save time with future disagreements or disputes as you will have a record of communications.
  • 2) Try using WhatsApp for voicemail the benefits for this are:
    1. Visual voicemail, your recipient knows who the message is from,
    2. See when the voicemail has been delivered and listened to,
    3. Responses can come back via another voice message or IM which makes the process more efficient
  • 3) Use email signatures. On your phone and your PC you can set up email signatures that automatically attach your contact details to each email you send. This ensures you can be contacted easily.
  • 4) Email auto-responses are a great way to ensure customers & suppliers are not left frustrated when not able to get hold of you by setting expectations.

Example 1) When you are on holiday set up an auto-response on your email letting them know who to contact in your absence. Here at SubSupport we can take some or all of your business calls to ensure you are never losing business or receiving waste of time sales calls. Example 2) On your sales@… email address set up an auto-response which says ‘Thank you for your email, we are currently out on site but we will respond to your enquiry within 24 hours. We look forward to working with you.’

  • 5) End your communications with clearly defined actions not questions. This will ensure that the recipient can effectively complete the task rather than procrastinate answering questions and not dealing with the task in hand.

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